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YUGANTAR… from traditional to trendy – a Fashion Show presented by the students of Class III (age group – 8 to 9 year-olds)

Durga Puja, is undoubtedly the most awaited festival of Bengal. People are immersed in festive bliss as they prepare to celebrate this joyous occasion. Clothes play an integral part in the celebration of this festival. Fashion trends have evolved over the ages and we have witnessed the transformation of the traditional to the modern, being reflected in the clothes worn during this festival. From sarees and dhotis to the salwar kameez and jeans, there has been a great change in the way people dress. As time progressed, the fabric of preference also changed from the natural to the synthetic. Khadi, linen and cotton were replaced by chiffon, satin and silk in this ever-evolving world of fashion trends. Nowadays, we find an exciting amalgamation of the traditional and the modern in the clothes that people don during the Durga Puja. Students of Class III showcase in their fashion show the myriad fashion trends of this great carnival called Durga Puja.  

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